RE-BRANDING - It's still us!!!

Why have we re-branded? Why now? What are the reasons and thoughts behind the re-branding of DRENCHED? All valid questions and questions we needed to ensure we had the answer to before going ahead with this risky call.

In December 2015, we developed the name and quickly brought forward a logo that we believed would be suitable and well recognized with the brand. However, we knew, being a new brand, we would not be able to only use the logo until the logo became a recognizable force with the name – hence we used the name in combination with the logo or just the name on some occasions. Due to the branding efforts put behind the name, the logo was often left behind and it gave us the opportunity to re-brand with a logo that was well thought out, well liked by our customers and had meaning behind it. We also saw this as an opportunity to truly stamp our mark in other aquatic sports and not only be seen as a Water Polo brand.

Our NEW logo can be seen as being a variety of different things for which we appreciate it’s flexibility. We truly appreciate the meaning behind the logo as it illustrates what we mean and what we are trying to achieve, that being:

  • Flexibility and Versatility
  • Forward Moving
  • Forward Thinking
  • Diversity
  • Persistence
  • Forever Improving
  • Serving all Interests

The new DRENCHED logo also allows us the opportunity to have a vastness of branding opportunities across the apparel and equipment we manufacture, design and source. We believe you will love what we will be launching over the next couple of weeks and months.

So why now? During the pandemic?

Well that is not an easy question to answer. We show huge gratitude to all our customers and clients for supporting us over the last year and there is no doubt that there have been many ups and downs. Therefor, we felt we needed something stronger… something more meaningful… and something fresh to keep us all on our toes and to keep us focused and determined on the future.

Please give us your thoughts on our new logo and be sure to look out for all those wearing it. And if you have not started your DRENCHED collection, no better time to do so.

Team Drenched


  • Like it!! Hope you guys have a great year!

    Marike Colyn
  • Love your new logo – all the best for 2021

    Audrey Elizabeth Crawford

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